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Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Energy and Avalabilitas

Energy and Avalabilitas
Energy is one of the abtrak proved difficult but can be perceived existence or in other words,
Energy is the ability to work

Energy is Kekal (according to the law thermodinamika)
Energy can not be created and can't be destroyed

Availabilitas system is the ability to produce useful work. So the existence avalabilitas easily made more realistic and can be perceived usage.

Energy in 1 liter of gas by the combustion in the motor system, converted into a successful work / high efficient, energy, namely a movement that can move people from one place to another ketempat far distance.

In this case the factor availabilitas role in realizing energy conversion through a system of energy in the form of a stored form of energy that is ready to transition untuk provides a useful work for the interests of mankind.

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